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Previous Year Question Paper 

Syllabus for IAT (Biology)


  1. Diversity In the Living World:

    1. The living world:

    2. Biological classification:

    3. Plant kingdom:

    4. Animal kingdom

  2. Structural Organisation In Plants And Animals

    1. Morphology of flowering plants:

    2. Anatomy of flowering plants:

    3. Structural organisation in animals:

  3. Cell: Structure And Functions:

    1. Cell: the unit of life:

    2. Biomolecules:

    3. Cell cycle and cell division:

  4. Plant Physiology:

    1. Photosynthesis in higher plants:

    2. Respiration in plants:

    3. Plant growth and development:

  5. Human Physiology:

    1. Breathing and exchange of gases:

    2. Body fluids and circulation:

    3. Excretory products and their elimination:

    4. Locomotion and movement:

    5. Neural control and coordination:

    6. Chemical coordination and integration:

  6. Reproduction:

    1. Sexual reproduction in flowering plants:

    2. Human reproduction:

    3. Reproductive health: 

  7. Genetics And Evolution:

    1. Principles of inheritance and variation:

    2. Molecular basis of inheritance:

    3. Evolution:

  8. Biology In Human Welfare:

    1. Human health and disease:

    2. Microbes in human welfare:

    3. Biotechnology:

      1. Biotechnology: principles and processes:

      2. Biotechnology and its application:

    4. Ecology:

      1. Organisms and populations:

      2. Biodiversity and conservation

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